So many UK citizens now feel 'politically homeless'.
The current political system doesn't work and hasn't for decades, serving only one purpose which is to keep career politicians in their roles as MPs, the majority of which are interlinked with the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF have inflitrated Government around the globe in order to bring in their agenda: The Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution.
The pandemic was the catalyst which enabled them to implement their agenda. Previous UK Governments have been party to this agenda, and continue to be so today. With the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, we find ourselves in the grip of a Government led by a WEF associate and a new King, King Charles III who himself is also aligned to and associated with the WEF, as is his son, Prince William, the heir to the UK throne.
Climate change is a hoax. There, we've said it. Shame the mainstream media don't. Another step in the WEF agenda.Get the global population to believe that Co2 causes climate change and they will believe anything. Unfortunately, the majority have. Just like they have over the pandemic. Climate change is man-made via geo-engineering; a plan to cool the planet by expelling various toxic chemicals into the atmosphere. If anything, we need more Co2, without which humanity and the diverse flora and fauna on the planet will die.
The current push on global economies, the cost of living crisis, energy price increases, the push towards a cashless society, the 'green' agenda and the need to depopulate the planet are all aspects of the Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution and all are orchestrated by the WEF and its partners: United Nations, World Health Organisation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - all non-elected organisations.
Current political style is sadly lacking due to links between so many of our MPs and the WEF. Without a significant shift towards a new way of governance, this non-elected group of organisations will continue their agenda.
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